While all the COVID and other political activities are going on I think I have been distracted from what is important. While attending my granddaughter’s wedding we disconnected from major social media, partly because of poor internet connections and other activities involving relatives we don’t often see. This disconnect has been informative in that we have missed out on Blinken’s China trip and all of the various opinions that have been put forth about those interactions. What is really clear is that we don’t get a clear picture of what was discussed. The “Read Outs” appear to be lacking in substance. Using words, such as, “candid” and “constructive”. I would like a bit more content to make my own determination. Did he say we will not permit another “Weather Balloon” to cross the U.S.? That would be an example of a “Candid” statement. Agreeing that China will not invade Taiwan would be “Constructive”.
Not being precise in their discussion leads to misinterpretation. A long time ago we did not include Korea as an area of interest and not too long after the North invaded the South. What resulted was one of the few times the United Nations lived up to its charter, maybe partly a result of Russia not being present to veto the resolution. The resulting war, called a “Police Action”, cost the lives of many U.S. servicemen, not to mention the numbers of civilian deaths and injuries. If the American Public is not given accurate reporting, we cannot make the appropriate decisions.
I encourage as many as possible to take a week off from all social media and limit your exposure to national and international news.